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Administration of medicines

Administration of medicines
Injectable form: Subcutaneous (underneath the skin of the neck)
Oral form: 1. – By capsules or tablets (individual treatment)
2. – In the drink water: administer the right amount of water that is consumed per day according to the time of the year (winter or summer). The vitamins in the water from a day to another, will be inactivated.
3. – In the food: it is not recommended.
4. – Topics: with a small stick and cotton (Muguet case, trichomoniasis, smallpox, etc)
Doses: Insufficient dose:
It doesn’t produce the wished treatment and causes resistance or to be dependent.
It can cause very detrimental effects (case sulfas)
1 coffee spoon = 1.5 – 2 grs.
1 teaspoon = 3,5 – 4 grs.
1 soupspoon = 8 – 10 grs.
1 soup spoonful = 15 grs.
20 drops = 1 millilitre = 1 cc
Important: Whenever antibiotics are administered (tetraciclinas, tilosina, eritromicina, etc), it is necessary to provide vitamins, electrolytes, amino acids and reconstituyentes of the intestinal flora. (Ex.: acid filofago, yoghurt)In the case of administering TETRACICLINAS (terramicina MR), suppress the GRIT during those days as the calcium salts precipitate the antibiotic and they inactivate it. Do not use interactive products simultaneously: they can produce interference, cooperation, antagonism or it can change the effect desired.
Prophylaxis or prevention Disinfection of the loft and all the facilities: at the present time IODINE POVIDONA is the antiseptic par excellence. It has bacterial, viricida and fungicida action. Apply it with spray whenever we clean the loft ( minimum once a week).
Dilution: 20 cc in 1 litre of water.
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